A Jesuit school should be about “improvement in living and learning for the greater glory of God and the common good.”
“By renewing our trust in God, we want to move forward as a global network with a universal mission. The challenges before us are many, but the apostolic possibilities can be greater. We need to detect them. God continues to work to create and save. The missio Dei continues. This faith encourages us to take on the path of apostolic audaciousness that makes the impossible possible.” JESEDU-Rio2017 (n. 73)
Fr. General Arturo Sosa, SJ – Current Father General of the Society of Jesus
Depth and creativity are key words in the Society’s missions and ministries and are the cornerstone of our mission in Jesuit Education. We promote an ever deeper understanding of the human person and the dynamics at work in our world – inter-personal, religious, social, physical and cultural.
Today Jesuit run schools and colleges in Africa have continued this commitment to excellence in education by ensuring that students are instilled with the ability to become social innovators and work towards a deeper understanding God’s will for themselves and the world as a whole. Across the continent the Society is responsible for 31 high schools and even more primary institutions located in the provinces and regions. Our ethos is based on the the formation of Christian “men and women for others” so that they can become competent in their field of study, persons of conscience full of compassion and committed to essential Christian values with a deepfelt preference for the poor.

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Learn more with resources such as the Examen, Growing in Faith, Ignatian Prayer, St. Ignatius and more.
These resources are on the topic of Faculty and Staff Formation in Jesuit schools relating to Ignatian Pedagogy and Ignatian Spirituality
The JESEDU-Rio2017 Hub gathers resources designed to help Education Delegates and school leadership on the journey to encourage the implementation of Mission and Identity in our schools.